Specialised in refactory bricks, face bricks (house bricks) and steam loco engine blocks
1902: Rylance & Hetherington formed based on the coal interests of James Gulland
1931: Brickyard established. Company name changed to Rylance Collieries & Brickworks Pty Ltd. Siding from New Chum 4 mine closed and used to construct siding for the new brickworks
1985: Taken over by a private group: Claypave
Colour: Brown with black speckles.
Condition: Crumbled with many fissures.
Type: House Brick.
Frog: Angular (one face)
Inscription: “RYLANCE DINMORE” (raised: narrow lettering)
Features: Two tiny screw marks in middle of frog.
Origin: Residence Booval Ipswich
Current Location: My Collection
Colour: Smooth, Pink Brick
Condition: Much crumbling
Type: House Brick
Frog: Shallow, angular (one face)
Inscription: “RYLANCE DINMORE” (raised & broad lettering)
Origin: Embankment east of Hancock Sawmill site.
Current Location: My Collection
Colour: Light brown with black speckles.
Condition: Some crumbling with fissures.
Type: House Brick
Frog: Shallow, rectangular (one face).
Inscription: “RYLANCE DINMORE” (indented lettering)
Origin: Former Claypave Brickworks site
Current Location: My Collection
Colour: Light with brown speckles
Condition: Some crumbling. Slightly warped
Frog: Rectangular, angular with inscription (one face)
Inscription: “RYLANCE DINMORE” (indented: broad lettering)
Origin: New Chum 3 Colliery Area
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Brown & glossy.
Condition: Some crumbling of edges and many fissures.
Type: House Brick
Frog: Small, angular frog with raised inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “DINMORE”.
Origin: Unknown
Current Location: Ipswich Historical Society Collection.
Description: Smooth, White
Condition: Some crumbling and fissures
Frog: Angular frog with inscription and two tiny nobs in the middle.
Inscription: “RYLANCE DINMORE”
Origin: behind former CWA Hostel, Limestone Street, Ipswich
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Light-Coloured, Grainy; but Smooth on surface. One edge highly glazed: cream coloured with specks.
Type: Specialised house brick
Frog: Rounded, deep frog with indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE”
Origin: Dug out of bank, Claypave site
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White; except for one edge which is highly glossy blue.
Condition: Fine fissures
Type: Specialised House Brick.
Frog: Eliptical, rounded frog with indented lettering on inside. Tiny indented lettering on one end.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” (frog); “RYLANCE BRICKWORKS” “DINMORE” (on end face).
Origin: Recycled bricks Sapar Landscaping, Chuwar
Current Location: My Collection
D Runner Tube
F Water Wall Tile?
G Runner Tube
I Dog Bone Brick?
P Hanging Brick
Description: White, smooth
Condition: Slight crumbling.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat faces except for indented inscription one side.
Inscription: “RYLANCE”
Origin: Recycled bricks at Sapar Landscaping, Chuwar
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White, smooth. Brown scorch marks one face.
Condition: Some crumbling & fissures.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat all faces except for indented inscription
Inscription: “RYLANCE”
Origin: Residential block, Booval
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Light-coloured with tiny, black blotches.
Condition: Edges crumbled.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat all sides except for indented inscription one face and length-wise row of tiny, indented dots nearby.
Inscription: “RYLANCE”
Origin: Site of house destroyed by fire, Queen Street, Walloon.
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Light-brown brick with tiny specks. Slightly smaller than normal brick.
Condition: Edges with some crumbling.
Type: Fire Brick?
Frog: Flat all sides; except for indented inscription in shape of semi-circle.
Inscription: “RYLANCE”
Origin: Dug out of bank, Claypave site
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White
Condition: Many fissures.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat all sides except for broad, indented inscription.
Inscription: “R”
Origin: Ramsay’s Pottery Site, Bundamba
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Light brown with tiny, black blotches.
Condition: Edges crumbled and with many fissures.
Type: Fire brick?
Frog: All faces flat except for indented inscription (narrow lettering).
Inscription: “R”
Origin: Unknown
Current Location: Ipswich Historical Society Collection
Description: Light Brown Speckled & Grainy
Condition: Edges crumbling
Type: Fire Brick?
Frog: Flat all sides except for indented inscription
Inscription: “R” Stylised
Origin: Dug out of bank, Claypave site
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Light Brown with Darker Patches
Condition: Edges crumbled.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Two shallow rectangles with indented inscriptions
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “PLASTIC” (wide lettering)
Origin: Within old building complex, Claypave site.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: Light Yellow
Condition: Very crumbled
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: One side flat with indented inscription. Rear face with two large screw marks.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “PLASTIC” (narrow lettering)
Origin: New Chum 3 Colliery area
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White-Yellow. Slightly molten one end.
Condition: Very Crumbled
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat all sides except for indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE PLASTIC” (narrow lettering}
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Yellow, speckled. Large, molten lump one end. Brown colouring two sides.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Shallow, angular frog with indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE PLASTIC”
Origin: Ebbw Vale Brickworks Site
Current Location: My Collection
Description: Smooth, white.
Condition: Crumbled edges.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Inscription indented on slightly raised platform; one face.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “P”
Origin: Site of house destroyed by fire, Queen Street, Walloon.
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White, Smooth
Condition: Some crumbling on edges
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat all faces except for indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” (narrow); “P” (small & broad)
Origin: Residential property, North Booval.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: Light brown with tiny black specks
Condition: Tiny fissures and some crumbling.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Indented inscription (narrow lettering} within indented blocks.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “P”
Origin: Unknown
Current Location: Ipswich Historical Society Collection
Description: Smooth, tan-coloured.
Condition: Small fissures
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Indented inscription (broad lettering} within indented blocks.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “P”
Origin: Unknown
Current Location: Ipswich Historical Society Collection
Description: Light yellow with tiny black specks.
Condition: Tiny fissures
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: All faces flat apart from indented inscription
Inscription: “RYL” “P”
Origin: South-eastern suburbs of Brisbane.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: Larger than standard brick size. White and grainy, but smooth on surface.
Condition: Crumbling on edges.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Indented inscription within large, raised, rectangular line.
Origin: Within old building complex, Claypave Brickworks site.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: White, smooth with dark specks and discolouring.
Condition: Crumbling of edges and fine fissures evident.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Large, fine rectangular frog with indented inscription inside.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “SUPER DUTY”
Origin: Next to brick platform: former military siding, Redbank.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: Light-Coloured, Grainy Brick. Patches of mortar all over brick.
Condition: Edges crumbled.
Type: Kiln Brick.
Frog: None.
Inscription: “RYL” “AI” (indented).
Origin: Brick piles on south end of Claypave site.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: White & grainy; but with smooth surface.
Condition: Crumbling on edges.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: All faces flat except for indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYL” “AII”
Origin: Within old building complex, Claypave Brickworks site.
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White paver.
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: Flat all faces except for indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE” “HA” (Broad lettering). Text blocks also indented.
Origin: Former Suttons Foundry site, Brassall, Ipswich.
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White, angular, irregularly-shaped.
Condition: Broken off and slightly molten one narrow end
Type: Fire Brick
Frog: All faces flat except for indented inscription.
Inscription: “RYLANCE”
Origin: Ebbw Vale Brickworks Site
Current Location: My Collection
Description: White, smooth, angular brick. Some discolouring.
Dimensions: L: 235 cm; W: 11.4 cm; D: 6.0 – 7.5 cm
Condition: Fully intact.
Type: Kiln Brick.
Frog: None.
Inscription: None.
Origin: Dug out of bank, NW Claypave site.
Current Location: My Collection.
Description: Large, curved, with protruding, rounded, angled, (male) edges on two sides
Condition: Edges crumbled.
Type: Steam Loco Arch Brick
Frog: Inscription indented on longer rounded edge.
Inscription: “O > P”
Origin: Near old railway alignment between Pottery and New Chum Rd, Dinmore
Current Location:
Description: Large, curved block. One long edge curved and indented {female}. Other long edge angled.
Condition: Broken one end.
Type: Steam Loco Arch Brick
Frog: Indented inscription on top of large, rounded face.
Inscription: “R.40” “AR.”
Origin: Near old railway alignment between Pottery and New Chum Rd, Dinmore
Current Location:
Description: Large, curved block.
Condition: Some edges crumbled.
Type: Steam Loco Arch Brick
Frog: Indented inscription on top of large, rounded face.
Inscription: “R40” “C”
Origin: Near old railway alignment between Pottery and New Chum Rd, Dinmore
Current Location: